Southern Cross Care set to transform their workforce management operations by launching the latest RLDatix eRostering and safe staffing solutions
Long-standing customer Southern Cross Care (NSW & ACT) looks to upgrade their eRostering solution to Optima in a bid to improve productivity, safe staffing and offer fair and inclusive workforce rosters.
After a market review, the aged care organisation chose Optima – RLDatix’s latest eRostering technology, to help improve their current workforce operations across over 50 locations in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
To compliment the eRostering solution, SafeCare was selected to provide real-time control and visibility on staffing levels, which as a result, will champion residential safety and assist with AN-ACC compliance.
The final pieces to the digital transformation puzzle were Allocate Data Exchange – providing customers with reportable data in an easy and fast connection and touch free facial recognition devices for clocking in and out. Offering an extra layer of workforce and residential safety, the facial recognition used for clocking in and out, automatically checks an employee’s temperature to help prevent the transmission of harmful Illnesses.
This holistic solution aims to support Southern Cross Care in evolving manual and resource heavy processes, into an integrated and simplified model.
Quote from Margaret Wright – RLDatix Managing Director APAC
“We are proud to be able to have the opportunity continue our partnership with Southern Cross Care NSW.ACT. Together, we will transition into the future of workforce management in Aged Care and support a safer workforce and a safer client journey. RLDatix looks forward to sharing Southern Cross Care NSW.ACT’s success with the wider health and care community in the months and years to come.”