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Support Your Staff, Support Your Safety

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We want to improve your confidence in the safety of your staff, residents and across your organisation.

If you’re like us, you want to confidently support your organisation to have the right staff, in the right place, at the right time, supporting the safest possible care in your Aged Care organisation. 

There are changes to legislation happening rapidly – whether it’s care minutes, 24/7 nurses or ratios.  But you know how to ensure your organisation is safe, and we’re here to support you do it. 

  • The nurses you have can be efficiently allocated 
  • Your staff rostered to support them, and your residents 
  • Effective communication of rostering across your organisation to support and retain staff.

Start supporting your staff and your safety today.   

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How We Help

Provide data driven insights

Eliminate data silos, ensure consistent and reliable data capture and identify problems and risks to prioritise.

Discover Opportunities for Intervention

Understand the data-supported root causes and contributing factors of problems to surface both short term and systemic risks, allowing for immediate intervention.

Implement Learnings and Controls

Make data accessible to all relevant departments and teams to reduce repeated adverse events and allow units across the organisation to learn from each other and build preventable controls to keep patients safer.

Get in touch to find out more